Thursday, June 15, 2006

Lazy Day

Well another day gone... It was a pretty boring day over all. I went swimming with the kids today and got some sun...yeah for me!! Then I came home with Taylor and layed her down for a nap and guess what??? I took a nap too!!! I never take naps during the day but today I was refreshing actually..maybe I should do it more often..nnnaaaaahhh...Thats just not me..I like to keep myself busy during the day. It makes for a more satisfying day. I've been kinda in a bad mood the last couple of days and I dont' know why...I hate feeling like that...I'm determined to make myself in a good mood tomorrow..LOL!!! We'll see how it goes. HA!

I've been praying a lot for The Church. I was very pleased with the selection, Bro. Smith. I think he will be a good GO...and hopefully God will let us know exactly who he wants in that position (whether it be him or someone else) at the Assembly!!

Well I guess thats about it for tonight.


Kasey said...

NO FAIR! I wanna go swimming!

Everyone has grumpy days. I think your allowed 5 a month. Least the book of Kasey says so, chapter 2 vs. 1...check it out ;)

marshasblog said...

I agree...I want God's will not mine...if it is Bro. Smith great if it isn't great...Just so it's God's will...

Sorry to hear about the Lucky Lady...better luck next time..