Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Nothing going on

Hey everybody..not much to post here..not a lot going on. I'm just abiding my time until we can leave for the assembly!! I think me and the kids are going to be leaving to go down on Tuesday with my parents unless something changes. Donald, unfortately, will not be able to come down until Friday night sometime. He has to work and could not get off. I quit my job at Goody's. The schedule just wasn't working out for me. Being gone of the evenings is not good when you have kids in school. I would barely see my Daughter, Haley. It was getting to where when she got home I was having to leave. I just didn't like it one bit. Plus I hardly seen Donald too. We decided even thought the extra money was good that I would quit and maybe look for a job that I could work during the daytime or even get a baby or child to babysit here at the house. I don't know. I would love to get a job in the school. That would be great. Theres actually a position coming open that I might have a chance at..maybe a small chance, but a chance...Please say a prayer for me that I might get an opportunity at this job IF it's the Lord's will!!!! It would be a neat job and a nice opportunity to get more familiar with the families around this area, but God knows what I and my family please keep me in your prayers concering this...Well thats about it for now...Maybe I won't be so boring next time...haha...bye.


~Amy said...

Boy, do I understand. Last year, I got a second job at a Cracker Barrel to bring in some extra money because we were really struggling financially. I'd come home from teaching and head straight to waiting tables. I didn't get to see my baby or my hubby hardly at all and I was always tired. It was rough. Well, that only lasted, as you can imagine, about three months. Anyway, I'll be praying for ya' about that job at the school or whatever God might have for ya. He knows and He does provide. He's sooo good to us. As a matter of fact, it was very soon after I quit Cracker Barrel that I got this really good job that I'm working now with a decent salary increase and Anthony got his with a great salary as well. Isn't God good? Hang in there, Sis. I'll be praying. :)

marshasblog said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Sis. Amy..I really appreciate it..just keep us in your prayers...I know God has a miracle in the making for us!!