Saturday, October 28, 2006


Hey everyone..It's Saturday and I'm getting ready to leave with some of the sisters from church to go to Russel Springs for a Ladies Day. Yesterday was my interview and they said that they were interested and would call my references and probably call me for a second just keep me in your prayers..if this is the right one for me I would definetely like it..I would be working with a variety of that would be neat. But I want what the Lord if this isn't surely theres something else down the road..So thanks again for the prayers and please keep saying them for me..thanks!! Last night was Haley's Fall Festival at school. It was alot of fun..I helped in the cash office most of the night, so I didn't really get to run around with Haley but her daddy and grammy, and aunt janna did. They all seemed to have had alot of fun. It was a good turn out. Well that's about it for now..I'll post more later and keep you updated on the job thing. Surely something is going to happen..I'm so impatient...I need to be more patient..haha..bye.

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