Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Long time, No Post

Okay...I had been wanting to post this whole time but I have been soooooo busy!! Let me explain..I have just finished up a 2 week fast class to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. I haven't been in school for over 10 years..so I didn't know what I was getting myself into..haha...It was Mon-Fri 8-4 everyday...8 hour classes!!! The first week I couldn't believe I had decided to do this..I came home got the kids cleaned up, fed, and ready for bed and then I hit the books. I would study each night for 3 hours a night. I was totally flipping out. (I know some of you college kids are thinking..Nursing Assistant..thats easy) and it probably is for you youngen's But I'm almost 30 and like I said it had been awhile since I had been in class. Well I made it through the first week and scored really good on my tests and then that weekend went to a Hayride in Elizabethtown, Ky. At Leandra and Josh Morris house. They were hosting it but it was for our whole region. We had a blast and if I had a digital I would have took pictures and have posted them on here..but sadly I don't...because mine broke!! But back to the story..We went to church on Sunday and then on Monday I started it back up again...Only this time it wasn't nearly as bad as the former week had been..Thank the Lord!!! We had clinicals on that Wed. and Thurs...which was really interesting..and a tad bit gross..but I guess something that I will have to get used to..LOL!!! Then on Friday we had our finishing tests...and Praise the LORD..I passed the class with a 99%!!! I prayed the whole 2 weeks!! Now I still ain't done completely!! So anyone reading this say a prayer for me..I go in two weeks to take my state boards test...This will Register me in the state of Kentucky!! I hear it is very intimidating and I'm easily intimadated!! So pray!! But that has pretty much been my last two weeks...I spent yesterday putting in applications and I actually have a interview on Friday for a Home Health Nurses Assistant position...So that might be a starter, but I want to eventually end up in a Hospital. I also want to in a year or two..(when Taylor gets a little older) go to school to be a Nurse. This will let me know if I'm really cut out for it to before I pursue it. But anywho..sorry I haven't really been keeping up with everyone..but I've missed everyone!!! Just keep Donald and I in your prayers..we're going through a lot right now...financially and emotionally...we're just wanting to make sure we are in God's will and were he wants us!! I'm not talking about leaving The Church...I feel like this is still The Church and unless God tells me otherwise I ain't going nowhere!! Anyways..I hope I have some lurkers still out there to read my posts..I may have lost all my audience..I think this is the longest I have ever went with out posting..sorry...I'll try to do better..but usually when I say that I do worse...LOL!! Talk to everyone later...


SIS-MC said...

Sis Marsha, I think this is wonderful. You will make a wonderful nursing assistant.
A little history on moi---
I worked for 9 years as a nursing assistant before ever going to nursing school when we lived in Somerset in 1988--wow seems like eons ago. I have never regretted that choice in my life. God opened the doors for me. Allene was 16 and Wilson was 2. Bro. Mc was so wonderful to help me out with everything at home. He cooked, did laundry, ran errands and he was my own personal pep rally. He helped me study and encouraged me, telling me I could make it. When Wilson started kindergarten, I went back to school
College this time. Again, I would not have made it without the support of my loving husband and family.
Anywhere we have moved, I have been able to find work that blended fairly well with the ministry of my husband. Yes, I have had to miss some church from time to time, but, that will go with almost any public work you have. Nursing has always been a blessing to us. God has always provided and blessed.
You will do well on your state test I am sure. When I taught that class, the state tester would not really give clues, but she would say to the student 'is there anything else you would do?' Just remember on your state skills, if she says is there anything else, you may have forgotten something. It is easy to forget the simple things we take for granted...but this is really not hard. As you have learned most of it is just common sense with some education behind it.
I will be praying for you...
let me know. sandlmcmahon@alltel.net
Love you

Anonymous said...

I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marshasblog said...

Thanks Sis. Mc. for the encouraging words!! I didn't realize you had been a Nursing Assistant for so long before becoming a Nurse. And to go to nursing school when Wilson was 2..haha...something tells me that couldn't be easy!! haha...My little Taylor is a handful..I am worried about doing that while she is still young..but I appreciate your comments and encouragement. Yes..I will keep you updated...thanks for giving me some pointers on state too..

Shagg..I missed you too!!! I missed everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you last night. I was wondering how your headaches were.

I took alot of medical terminology and such in college and it is certainly intimidating. I know you'll do great on your board test!

~Amy said...

Marsha, what wonderful news!!! You know how I am about education and how I think it's wonderful when the Lord opens the doors for anyone to go to school or participate in any kind of educational pursuit. I'm so happy for you.

I sort of know what you're going through. My sister is now an RN, but she started out as an LPN and went to school to become an RN while her children were little. She had a three year old and a newborn. And just like Bro. Mc, my sister's husband did all the housework and was her encourager (get ready, Bro. Donnie :-) ) and she made it!!!! I know you will, too. :-)

She loves it. She's now employed with a hospital and is sometimes charge nurse for her floor, so she's doing really well. I know you'll do great, Marsha, and I will be praying for you.

Also, Anthony and I know how it is to go through those tough times (financially, etc.). We went through a really bad time last year ALL YEAR LONG. I mean, it was really rough. But we understand now that God taught us a lot and we're grateful for the time of spiritual strengthening that it was for us. I'll be praying for you and Donnie. It's rough, but I promise there's light at the end of the tunnel and God is faithful to bring His children to that end. You'll be there soon.

Lots of love to ya'll.