Thursday, October 26, 2006

Busy, busy, busy

Hello everyone. Just thought I'd type a little bit while I had some time. I'm getting ready to go to Haley's school and help them in a fundraiser during the lunch hour. Tommorrow night is the schools largest fundraiser, it's our Fall Festival. I'll be working in it this year. So I believe my mother-in-law and sister-in-law are going to help Donald with Haley at the Fall Festival. She's so excited. I'm going to leave Taylor with my mom. That poor little school gets sooooo packed that it's hard to breath in it, let a lone trying to keep up with a 1 year old. So I think it is all going to work out..(I hope) Please pray for me, I have an interview tomorrow..I really need a job bad!! Even if this one isn't the best one or the one I would prefer it would be something allowing some money to come in and help pay the bills. So I hope that I am able to get this job..if I don't it looks like I'm going to start looking at the nursing homes. I really don't want to work at one of them, but I will have to do something to get some experience and then maybe a hospital will hirer me eventually, who knows...I'm just rambling..anyways just say a prayer for me tommorrow for this interview..thanks!! Love you guys!! talk atcha later.


Anonymous said...


marshasblog said...

thanks so much!!

SIS-MC said...

Praying for your success tomorrow.
Love you

~Amy said...

Prayin' for ya.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I requested prayer at church last night for you.

J Nowling said...

I take it you did well on the tests. I was going to tell you Marsha, you can do it...I know you can and apparently you DID. I'll be praying. God knows what you need.

marshasblog said...

Thanks so much for the prayers...