Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Praise the Lord!!!

Hello...well not alot going on right now. My husband finally went back to work today..LOL!! I took him to the doctor yesterday morning to have the tests run to see if he had anything wrong with his stomach, gallbladder, etc. We haven't heard from his doctor yet, but the ultrasound person said he didn't see anything wrong. Yesterday he said he felt great physically!! We both believe that the Lord has healed him. I've really been praying for him and I know there has been a lot of prayers going up on his behalf. We have been worried because if he did have to have a surgery, even if it is minor, he would still have to have time off work and he doesn't have any more sick time left, due to this past week. He would have to go on short term disabiltiy and that only pays like 60% of your paycheck....thats not good...so I feel like the Lord is answering our prayers...Praise the Lord...he is soooooo GOOD to us!!!!

But anyways...I feel like my life is getting back to norm since he went back to work today..he messes my routine up so badly when he's home...LOL....I love him though!!

Because we were not having a Youth Camp this year, we decided to have a Youth Camp Retreat instead...I'm excited about it!! It is going to be the same weekend camp was suppose to be in..which is 28th-30th. We are all going to Mayfield, Ky. One of our churches is located there. The guys are going to take tents and camp out on the Church lot..(I havent' seen it but apparently they have a pretty big lot there) and all of us girls are going to Sis. Cindy Brown's house for a Slumber Party!! woooh hoooo!!! I'm excited about it. Then on Saturday we are going to have a day kinda like a camp schedule would run. classes, craft class, fun time, naps (kidding), lunch, etc... We'll have evangelistic services on Friday and Saturday night and then stay over for Sunday School and Church at Mayfield... I'm excited about it. Because we were afraid that we would put more money out with the amount of kids that we would have we decided to downgrade this year instead, but we felt like we needed to get together still. So I think this will be a good time with one another. So anyone who is in the area or would like to be in the area..your more than welcome to come join us!!! This will be our last time at being in charge of the Youth Camp program. Donald and I have decided with much thought and prayer to step down this year. I'm more than willing to help out but we just don't feel we can give the time and energy that the Youth Camp Program deserves.

Well I guess I better go do some laundry!! Talk to ya'll later!


Kasey said...

WOOOHOOO! PTL! That is good news to hear!

Unknown said...

sounds fun Marsha!!..can I come~:D So not in the area

Unknown said...

We mourn the loss of KY camp~:( wahh. don't worry, we get it back next year and I come and help

Unknown said...
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marshasblog said...

Yeah..we'll get it back...just a minor set back is all...

Jared Nolen said...

awwww i miss camp :( this will be the first year i've missed camp since 96 i think...