Monday, July 24, 2006

Missing Something

Well Hello everybody!! It's been awhile...not really a lot going on here. I got a part time job working at Goody's so between raising my girls, keeping house and working a few hours a week at Goody's, I've been kinda busy...It seems my days are flying by. I can't decide if I want to keep this job or not. I like getting out of the house and I like a little spending money..and I do mean I don't know if I like the time away from the girls. I mean it's not a this week is only 13 hours..last week was 24 hours..and most of it is after they go to bed...but still I'm so used to being home with them. I just don't know..I've got mixed feelings about it... I'm wanting to get on at the school...but I would be gone a lot more from my youngest oldest is getting ready to start 1st grade, so it wouldn't matter much to her...I dont' know....I'm leaving it in God's hands... I know if he wants me to have that job that he will supply it and if he doesn't then so be it!! God has always helped us finacially even when it seemed like we weren't going to make it...he always comes through for us. He's an awesome God!! I know my husband someday would like to get back into the full time ministry someday. I do enjoy living next to my parents's like a dream come true, but at the same time...I feel like we're missing something...I always thought this would be the greatest thing to happen was for us to go back to "normal" living so to speak...Him have a "Public" job, me work part-time and stay at home with the kids...and live next door to my family...I mean..what more could I ask for, right?!? But still I feel I'm missing something...what??? I'm not saying I feel like I'm out of the Lord's will because it doesn't seem like really any doors have been opened and Donald is still pastoring...just not able to pastor full time. I dont' know...This probably doesn't even make any sense... I guess we've just grown accustom (ms?) to being in the ministry full time. I know that many, probably most have to have a public job and we're no better...but I didn't really want it when I had it but now somehow...I miss it.... Sometimes I wonder if God is humbling me and making me realize how good I did have it....I don't know...some of the things I used to wish I had in my life or didn't seems God has granted it...but now I feel I want my old life back..well to a degree...I would never want Tuesday dinner sales back again.LOL!!!..(we used to have to sale dinners for our church every Tuesday...NOT FUN!! Willing to do it but not fun) and there is a lot of other things that I would rather not talk about that I definately wouldn't want back...but just the feeling that were actually helping people...not just in our local church but the hurting people in our community...I know, I know, you dont' have to be a minister or a minister's wife to do that..but now our time seems to be a lot more limited...than it did when he was full time minister..especially when we lived at E-town...I miss E-town in a lot of ways...I miss the people there too. My husband and I didn't really feel God leading us back there though... Don't get me wrong, we're excited about Winchester...and hope that we can be a blessing to those folks there and maybe someday the Lord will bless it enough to were there might be a minister full time there. ...Those people are a blessing to us!! Good friends!! Speaking of that we had one to get saved Sunday night!!..Praise the Lord!! That makes two in the last month to get saved there...please continue praying for us there at Winchester....

I'm just a little disoriented lately....I guess in some ways we as The Church all are...There seems to be a lot going on in The Church right now..but I know God has it all under control!! We just need to stay close to him and hang on!! God Bless Each of you!!

This is a little wierd for me because I don't normally open up like this...oh well...I'm trying new things..LOL
Love everybody!!!


marshasblog said...

Thanks so much!!

amunoz917 said...

Hi Marsha! Yes everything does seem disoriented right now. But we have His promises to hold on too. The book of Micah has been a great comfor to me. In the end God reminds us that He will not turn away forever and He will have compassion on us again. I think we are going to have one of the greatest assemblies we have ever had. I can't wait. I'm praying for u guys. I know it's been a hard year.

Sis. Angie

Kasey said...

God won't close one door without opening another. :)I love you guys and am praying. :)

marshasblog said...

Thanks so much..we can use the prayers...Thanks Angie for the encouraging words and the advice about reading Micah...That is an encouraging book. And to each of you all thanks for the encouraging words, I love you guys..and I'm in much prayer for each of you all...I know when The Church hurts we ALL hurt!!