Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hey, Hey, Hey!!

Hey Everyone...I'm finally posting again. It's been such a long busy week!! With Donald being sick it has messed my day to day routine up, plus I got a part time job working at Goody's a few hours a that has been keeping pretty busy too while I'm adjusting to a new schedule. I really would like to get on at the Madison County School System...I've sent in my application and they told me that if a position became available that they would give me a call for an interview. So if you think about it say a prayer for me that I might get a job with the School System. Only if it's the Lord's will.

Our Convention was this weekend. It was a good convention, but Saturday night was the best!!! Bro. Carter, Bro. Lanny Carter that is, from Virginia preached up a storm. It was an outstanding message and very timely!!! Praise the Lord for men like him!!! The Lord really moved in the service and sent a peace down and a refreshing spirit on us!! It was something that we all needed very much!! Sis. Leandra Morris is our new V.L.B. Leader...I'm very excited about that...I think she will do a good job!! She is very dedicated to the Lord. Donald and I decided to step down from Youth Camp this year. It was a wierd feeling not being called out for that, but I'm actually relieved that we don't have that to think about this year. Theres just too much other things that we seemingly can't get off our minds. I think I pretty much keep a headache..(lol)

Well be in prayer for Donald tomorrow morning...I am taking him to the Doctor to have some tests done on his stomach to find out if he has Gallbladder Disease or something else wrong with him. I just want what ever it is to be fixed so he can start feeling better...He gets so sick sometimes..I hate it for him.

Well thats it for now... Talk to you later...


J Nowling said...

So who is your camp director? We didn't stay for Sunday. It was easier that way (smile).

Praying for Brother Donnie.

marshasblog said...

He hasn't appointed anyone yet. Not sure why he didn't, but I guess whoever is Overseer at Minister's Convention will. I'm sure it was hard saying bye to all the young people...they love you all so much!!

Kasey said...

I will be praying about the job thing, I definitely know how that goes!