Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's me again...twice in one week...

Hello all of my many viewers..haha... It is Tuesday. Not much going on today...after Haley gets home from school I've got to take her and get her Brownie Sash. She has a ceremony on Thursday night and has to have that. I hope I can find the place..not to good with directions.

Not to much has been going on in my life lately..other than I'm not working now. I really enjoy being at home too...I'm sure it won't last but I'm going to enjoy it while it does.

Well guess thats it for now...I'll try to have more to write about later.


~Amy said...

I used to be in Girl Scouts. I loved it. So much fun. :D

Mouseketeer Deitz said...

Hey out there. I didn't know you were a blogger. Frequency is not important unless your the vicious Amy Dyer who threatens people with dounce hats. You'll have to ask her about that one. your welcome to check our "domain" anytime.