Friday, April 06, 2007

Tax time

Yes thats right it is tax time..I know most people have probably already filed their taxes but we are chronic procrastinators. So now were feeling the crunch. I've been getting everything together so that my wonderful Husband can do it...I am hoping he will get them done tomorrow. But time will tell...

I didn't work yesterday or today..I took off for Haley's Spring Break..we went to the planetarium yesterday and to White Hall State Shrine today..that was very interesting. I think the girls enjoyed it..It was really cold here today though..It actually snowed!! We've been having 80 degree weather and then all of a sudden snow....what a shock to the system, ya know?!?!

Well thats about it for now...write more later..bye


~Amy said...

Yeah, for the first time ever we have to pay in!!!! It really stinks, let me tell ya'. Really stinks. I mean, who has several hundred dollars just lying around???? Not us, that's for sure!!!!

Sounds like you had fun with the girls today. What is White Hall State Shrine?

We've been having a cold spell too. I'm so ready for spring to be sprung and to stay around for a while, but I never really look forward to the dog days of summer, which are just around the corner when you think about it.

I tried to call you and lost reception and then got busy and didn't get to call you again. You might need to tell me when you have free the next few days.

Talk at ya' later. :-)

marshasblog said...

Hey Amy...Yeah..we've had to pay in before too..I hate that!!

White Hall State Shrine is were a man named Cashus (misspelled probably) Clay lived...He was a pretty famous person in Kentucky...So we got to tour his mansion and stuff..pretty neat to learn about him.