Saturday, December 02, 2006


This has been a very hard week. I don't feel like I have had anytime to get anything accomplished. I hate feeling like that. Don't get me wrong..I still like my job and I feel it is a blessing, but I still haven't adjusted to working outside of the home for 40 hours a week. I know it will take some time. But it really is a blessing to us right now.

The girls are doing great!! They are at their Grammy's right now, Donald's mom. They were really excited to spend some time with her.

I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner...It's December!! I haven't even started Christmas Shopping..I hate crowds!! I guess I've got to grin and bear it though. Well I think thats all for now.

We are going over to church later because there is a Christmas Parade tonight and our church is going to pass out free coffee and hot chocolate to anyone who wants it. I think that is a very good outreach and it is letting people know who we are and were we are located! more later.


Anonymous said... poor tired baby doll!
Hey the hot chocolate and coffe went over great, for anyone who sees this. We handed out over 100 cups of hot chocolate, and thirty or so cups of coffee. People seemed really pleased that we were offering this as a free service to help keep them warm on a pretty coold evening. The parade was great too. They had dancing horses, and a marching band...all the cool small town parade type stuff. IO love Christmas parades! We had several visitors at church this morning and evening, some as a result of the hot chocolate outreach.
Gotta run...

~Amy said...

Wow!!! That is an awesome outreach, and obviously effective. Praise the Lord!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Marsha, where ya' be?