Monday, January 01, 2007

I'm back!!!

Hello everyone!! I'm back..(if I've even got anymore viewers) Sorry it's been so long...This has been a very busy past couple, three weeks...I hope now things will begin to slow down some..I HOPE!!! How was everyones Christmas??? Mine was great!! I got everything I wanted and then some..and my girls really enjoyed what they got too. Well I really don't have a lot of time tonight but I hope to start posting more regular again...hope I can redeem my to you later.


SIS-MC said...

Love your picture of your family.
I know you had a nice Christmas.
We enjoyed time with Allene, Rick and the 3 boys. They sure are growing mighty fast--just as your girls are.
Love you all.

marshasblog said...

Thanks for the comment, Sis. Mc. I was wondering if I would have any viewers still glad to hear you had such a great Christmas..I'm sure they are growing like crazy. My oldest will be 7 next month..thats so hard to believe!! Love ya...