Monday, May 29, 2006

It's a beautiful day

Hello. Today is such a beautiful day outside..the sun is shiny so bright, it might be a little to hot, but oh well I wanted Summer time to get I think it has finally got here..I know it has to be getting close to 100 degrees outside... I just painted my front porch. I'm doing the Americana theme on it this year. I like how it is coming together. I ran out of paint though..thankfully it was my second coat. The girls and Donald have went with his mother and sister to visit the gravesites and visit his uncle that has cancer. So I have day ALL to myself which happens VERY rarely!! I'm enjoying this!! I love my family but sometimes it is nice to have the WHOLE house to myself..haha.. Well can't think of much more to say right now...I think mom and dad are having a cook out tonight so that will be fun..well I'm gonna go for now..

1 comment:

marshasblog said...

Yes, you sure can..I would love you too..thanks...I haven't figured out all that neat stuff to do on my blog yet, but I'm working on it..haha...Your blog has a very pretty background...