Saturday, January 06, 2007

Locks of Love

Hello Everyone!! How is everyone??? We're all pretty good here. Let me tell you what me and my little girl, Haley did today. We went and had ALL of our hair chopped off for Locks of Love. We decided a little over a year ago to grow it out and donate it to Locks of Love. I thought this would be something neat that me and her could do together, plus it was neat to know that we would be helping out someone in need. I mean my hair aint all that great but anyone would love to have Haley's's gorgeous! So today we had had about all we could stand of the long hair so off to Great Clips we went...just a little plug for them..they were great and they cut and style your hair for free and send it off for you. So we still are a little in shock about how short our hair is but I think we are both satisfied with is a few pictures of our day. Well thats it for to you all later.


goodysgirlforever said...

You have a beautiful family too. What a great thing to do with your daughter! You must be very proud of her.

~Amy said...

Hey, Marsha, what a cool thing to do. It is a little disconcerting, though, those first few days after you've done such a thing. Your head almost feels bare. I've donated hair to them twice. Wish I would've known Great Clips does it for free. I've always paid for my cut like normal.

marshasblog said...

I'm very proud of her..thanks for your kind comments...

Amy...I know, I still expect to have to put it up in a ponytail or something...I've not got used to it yet..but I'm glad we were able to do it together...Next time find a Great Clips...I can't believe you had to pay..haha...

~Amy said...

I don't think you're being very nice. ;-)

marshasblog said...

sorry...(still laughing..:) )

~Amy said...

Now, look, Marsha. You're not allowed to go another month without posting. That's just not acceptable. Get busy, girl.

Jared Nolen said...

MARSHA!!!!!!! where are you!?!?!?!?!!?!?!