Sunday, September 23, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Haley pictures

I thought these were very good pictures of Haley..She's soooo growing up on me!! She's my little sweetheart...7 years old.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My 2nd blog of the month..oh

Well not a lot going on..but I thought I'd type a little bit on here. This was a picture of my girls on Saturday...they were playing with their cat Max. Didn't he just look like he was having so much fun with my girls..LOL..he always gets held against his will.

Work was horrible on Monday but better today. Sometimes I really like my job, but there are those days when I can't stand it!! Monday was one of those days. I guess any job is like that though.

My papaw is in the hospital..please say a prayer for him if you happened to be reading this..His name is Clarence Wilcox. He had a pacemaker put in last week and now he has a lot of fluid on him. He also has pretty bad kidneys. So please pray for him and my mamaw..she's so tired from taking care of him and worrying..that can be such a strain on your body.

My husbands dad went to the hospital today also. I'm not sure on all the details with what is going on with him right now..Donald has went to the theres another prayer request too.

Got to see Mandy last week from Idaho...She is very much with child...I love going out with her right now..because I actually feel like the skinny one don't happen very often. She seems like she is doing good.

Other than that..don't have much to talk about..hope everyone is doing good...bye.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

My monthly I'll do better this time

Hello all... How is everyone??? Pretty good here...Well not a lot going on here. Busy with life in general. Haley is doing good in school...she made 100% on her spelling test on Friday. I'm so proud of her. She's doing good in reading and math also. Taylor is STILL not potty trained...I know all you mothers and even those girls that arn't mothers are shaking your head but she's 2..I'm sorry to disappoint you..I still can't make her be potty trained. That is a really big pet peeve of mine...Why do other women feel like they need to judge how other women parent?!?!?!...I mean is that really something that our children are going to remember..."I didn't get potty trained until I was 3 or whatever age it is...I don' t remember when I was potty trained..okay enough about that..LOL...But Taylor does know her colors and can count to I think 11 now. So she's doing g00d in other subjects. As for me..I stay pretty busy being a mom and working full time. There are days when I really like my job, but there are other days when I hate it. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful to have helps pay the bills and buy my babies extra things..but I'd much rather be at home with them...Maybe someday, before their grown, I can stay at home with them again. Donald stays pretty busy with his job too. Church is good. Still no real growth. We have visitors from time to time..but none that stick..we've had some repeated visitors..but again none that will commit. Well thats about it for now..I think. Oh yeah..I've lost a grand TOTAL of 20 pounds!!! Can you believe that?!?!?!?! I can't!! until I look at pictures are put my clothes on I haven't worn in a long time..because they actually fit real good now..some are actually a little big on me now..YEAH!! New wardrobe if I keep losing..yeah...LOL!! Well I'll type more later..C-YA...